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Compupter Architecture Notes

Compupter Architecture Notes

Compilation of important things to know for your Comp Arch class

Binary Spot Digit
1 0
2 1
4 2
8 3
16 4
32 5
64 6
128 7
256 8
512 9
1024 10
2048 11
4096 12
8192 13
16384 14
32768 15
65536 16
131072 17
262144 18
524288 19
1048576 20
2097152 21
4194304 22
8388608 23
16777216 24
33554432 25
67108864 26
134217728 27
268435456 28
536870912 29
1073741824 30
2147483648 31

(from the Patterson Book) How the segments of memory are split up (note that this is generally accepted for the simulator, on actual MIPS chips the partitions could be set differently or non-existent)


Floating Point

usually given in hex, such as 0xBE4CCCCD Then, simply convert to binary, there is a shortcut for doing this… each digit/letter cooresponds to 4 binary bits (8 4 2 1)…

signed bit (1 bit) exp (8 bits) mantissa (23 bits)

sign of 1 is negative, 0 is positive exponent = convert as usual from binary to decimal, then you need to subtract 127 from your result (exp -127) mantissa = start from the left most bit in mantissa, then the result is that number * 2-1… and proceed to the next 2-2 * the next number, and move on till you hit the last 1. Because 0 * anything = 0, you can essentially skip the 0s, but make sure to still increment the exponent based on the position

Now that you got your mantissa, use this formula to convert it to decimal!

(-1)signedbit * (1+mantissa) * 2exp = end result!

Cache Formulas

Block is composed of: Tag Set Offset

tag + set = logbase2(# of blocks in cache)

Size of main address – set – offset = tag

(size of main memory)/(size of block) = # of blocks in cache

2offset = size of block

2set = # of rows

N is for the n in n-way set associative (2-way SA -> = 2) N*2set = # of blocks in cache

Total bits in cache = (size of block * 8 + 2 + tag) * N * 2set //in writeback

Total bits in cache = (size of block * 8 + 1 + tag) * N * 2set //in writethrough

Stack = LIFO

Queue = FIFO

Miss – no load to cache

  • Go to direct main memory o Write into memory directly

WB = Write Back

WA = Write Allocate

WT = Write Through

LRU = Least Recently Used

No WA = No-write allocate (also called write-no-allocate or write around): data at the missed-write location is not loaded to cache, and is written directly to the backing store. In this approach, data is loaded into the cache on read misses only.

1 Bit = 8 Bytes

4 Bytes = 1 Word = 32 Bits = 1 Instruction

220 = megabyte


IF - fetch instruction

ID - decode instruction

EX - execute instruction

MEM - Read memory

WB - write back (only needed for LW and such commands)

MIPS Green Sheet

Updated on July 24, 2022